Yes, so long as the conversation . . .

Nov 09, 2016,03:33 AM

. . . is temperate.  We can begin discussion now, within this thread.


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Comments: view entire thread


I might regret this . . .

 By: Dr No : October 29th, 2016-13:14
. . . but let's give it a shot. If push comes to shove, the delete button is at hand. Seeing as how our election is ten days away and that it's generated interest around the world as never before, let's try a Purists poll. Not a secret ballot, as outlined...  

I'll start the fun: T/G [nt]

 By: Clueless_Collector : October 29th, 2016-13:30

This is going to end BADLY, but C/G here

 By: Bounce781 : October 29th, 2016-13:39

It needn't end badly if we all participate . . .

 By: Dr No : October 29th, 2016-13:50
. . . as true and trusted Purists. I'm a pessimist by nature, but I also believe civility is possible when people make an earnest effort. Hopefully, Art

Yes, I know.

 By: Bounce781 : October 29th, 2016-13:57
It was a bit tongue-in-cheek

Easy! C/G [nt]

 By: dr.kol : October 29th, 2016-13:53


 By: watercolors : October 29th, 2016-13:55
Best Edward


 By: Alkiro1 : October 29th, 2016-13:59
Best wishes Alkiro

Is a Bernie Sanders vote allowed ? [nt]

 By: Chrisparet : October 29th, 2016-14:08

Sorry, but no write-ins. I think we all know . . .

 By: Dr No : October 29th, 2016-14:28
. . . how you feel, though!

I have to say I am shocked by the early polling.

 By: TheMadDruid : October 29th, 2016-14:22
That is NOT tongue-in-cheek.

The idea is to see how the Purists community compares . . .

 By: Dr No : October 29th, 2016-14:34
. . . against the actual result on November 8th. Let's see how we do. (And to all: please, no further comments. I'll be editing them from here on out.)

T/G [nt]

 By: piccolochimico (aka dsgalaxy1) : October 29th, 2016-14:49

Art..I need your vote before I can vote :) ;) [nt]

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : October 29th, 2016-14:52

I'll be voting here at 7:58 pm on November 8th . . .

 By: Dr No : October 29th, 2016-15:06
. . . to eliminate any prospect of tilting our election. We can do this, Damjan. We, as a global community, can choose to behave civilly. Or not. In which case, the delete button is on hair trigger alert.

C/G [nt]

 By: Poky : October 29th, 2016-15:43

C/G [nt]

 By: Fricks : October 29th, 2016-17:12

T/A [nt]

 By: RabidManatee : October 29th, 2016-17:55

C/G . . .

 By: geross : October 29th, 2016-18:06
. . . cheers , best to all Americans. [edited for compliance purposes - Art]

C/A [nt]

 By: robmks1 : October 29th, 2016-18:09

T / A(PR) [nt]

 By: Fjan : October 29th, 2016-18:42

T/G [nt]

 By: christianch : October 29th, 2016-19:26

T/A nt

 By: mpg13 : October 29th, 2016-19:38
No message body


 By: chuck19 : October 29th, 2016-19:56


 By: InHavenPro : October 29th, 2016-20:38
Just as you said Art, not out of actual belief but out of necessity. Cheers, Filip

Fair enough, Filip. After all, support . . .

 By: Dr No : October 29th, 2016-22:25
. . . isn't necessarily borne of conviction; it could just as easily be a matter of indifference, distaste, or Hobson's choice. Best, Art

Point being....

 By: InHavenPro : November 9th, 2016-00:36
Change is what the world needed and change is, thankfully, what the world got. Whichever way that may lead.... Cheers, Filip

C/G [nt] [nt]

 By: NT931 : October 29th, 2016-21:46

C/G [nt]

 By: S F : October 29th, 2016-23:54

Very interesting.... T/G [nt]

 By: rnaden : October 30th, 2016-01:02


 By: Horologically_minded : October 30th, 2016-02:15
[content edited per thread guidelines] ...  

C/G [nt]

 By: Bruno.M1 : October 30th, 2016-02:27
and really surprised there are 'T' voters among the 'G' citizen

A primary motivating factor for this thread, Bruno, was . . .

 By: Dr No : October 30th, 2016-10:21
. . . to allow Purists who aren't able to vote in our election a way of expressing themselves. We'll dissect our PuristSPro election on Nov 9th, at which time commentary from the community will be allowed so long as it remains civil.

Well, let's have a quick look at the number of people...

 By: Sandgroper : October 30th, 2016-19:02
who are affected by the US election. "A" citizens, around 320 millions. "G" citizens, around 7'000 millions or 7 billions! Simple

. . . and that's why . . .

 By: Dr No : October 30th, 2016-21:44
. . . I felt this exercise worthwhile, François - to give everyone a chance to register their opinion in a free and fair election, especially those of you who aren't able to participate as citizens. Art

C/g [nt] [nt]

 By: WebCalm : October 30th, 2016-02:27

T/G (nt)

 By: MTF : October 30th, 2016-03:43

C/G [nt]

 By: Julian C : October 30th, 2016-03:48

T/G [nt]

 By: moc : October 30th, 2016-04:23

T/A [nt]

 By: Skyrider01 : October 30th, 2016-10:46

C/G [nt]

 By: stromer : October 30th, 2016-13:06

T/A [nt]

 By: MichaelC : October 30th, 2016-14:17

T/G [nt]

 By: Sandgroper : October 30th, 2016-18:56

I'll be tabulating our results on Election night . . .

 By: Dr No : October 30th, 2016-20:06
. . . after the polls close here in California. The broader answer to your question is yes, we do have the capability to host a poll, but I decided against taking that route in view of the contentiousness of the contest. My hope was that this community wo... 

C/A [nt]

 By: beanslan2 : October 30th, 2016-22:20

Your vote won't be tallied as this is your first post . . .

 By: Dr No : October 30th, 2016-22:47
. . . on PuristSPro. I should've outlined a minimum qualifying post count originally, but didn't in the hope that it wouldn't be necessary. In all fairness, it's unreasonable to accept a vote by a participant who isn't an established member of the communi... 

C/A [nt] [nt]

 By: toddg : October 31st, 2016-08:11

T/G [nt]

 By: fborne : October 31st, 2016-15:03


 By: passetemps : October 31st, 2016-15:38

C/G (nt) [nt]

 By: AlexSunrise : October 31st, 2016-16:19

C/G [nt] [nt]

 By: KMII : November 1st, 2016-13:01

C/A (and G) [nt]

 By: Esharp : November 2nd, 2016-10:06

C/A [nt]

 By: Emil Wojcik : November 2nd, 2016-11:18

T/G [nt]

 By: jaguariste : November 7th, 2016-00:39

C/G [nt]

 By: Maltie : November 7th, 2016-00:55

T/A. All votes cast with a time-stamp . . .

 By: Dr No : November 8th, 2016-14:37
. . . prior to 8 pm at GMT -8 will be tallied tomorrow. Damian has sent a mail-in ballot, which will be announced and counted if he doesn't get his posted ballot in on time, provided he approves. Art

Sweet. :) [nt]

 By: InHavenPro : November 8th, 2016-22:17

I guess it is all over! Will we be able to explain our reasons for voting for one or the other candidate?

 By: Sandgroper : November 8th, 2016-23:17
I am thinking especially for the non US residents or citizens. Cheers Francois

Yes, so long as the conversation . . .

 By: Dr No : November 9th, 2016-03:33
. . . is temperate. We can begin discussion now, within this thread. Art

Today will be interesting..... [nt]

 By: Andy : November 9th, 2016-00:23

Looks like we have a winner ;) [nt]

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : November 9th, 2016-02:25

That's the understatement . . .

 By: Dr No : November 9th, 2016-03:14
. . . of the century ;-) . . .

Hey dear Damjan, what was your vote:)? [nt]

 By: Sandgroper : November 9th, 2016-05:25

two things I can't stand....

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : November 9th, 2016-06:58
fake watches and fake people...let's discuss it over cup of grappa?

Ah! Fake, I totally agree. I call it hypocrisy. A grappa, oh yes, where, when?...

 By: Sandgroper : November 9th, 2016-07:11
I'll bring a good bottle, or two, or..... from the Bassano del Grappa region. My grand parents region. Where?...... in January; Cheers, Francois

We'll obviously have to do it live :)

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : November 9th, 2016-09:02
January is fine if you are here

Your mail-in ballot was received . . .

 By: Dr No : November 9th, 2016-10:36
. . . and counted.

So what are the results ;) [nt]

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : November 9th, 2016-11:05

That will have to wait for another day . . .

 By: Dr No : November 9th, 2016-11:44
. . . as it's time to leave for my weekly pool tournament. Priorities, priorities ;-) . . .

Sure thing :) [nt]

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : November 9th, 2016-12:01

There were 42 votes cast, including your mail-in . . .

 By: Dr No : November 10th, 2016-09:08
. . . and excluding one from a person who had registered on our site in order to participate in the tally.

Than good I sent vote :):):) [nt]

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : November 10th, 2016-09:19

Now that I think about it - yeah! . . .

 By: Dr No : November 10th, 2016-09:23
. . . yours was the deciding vote ;-) . . .

;o) [nt]

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : November 10th, 2016-09:31

Our own tally monster :) [nt]

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : November 10th, 2016-09:18

American/Global Trump split . . .

 By: Dr No : November 10th, 2016-09:16
. . . was 5/16.

Now that's an interesting result ;) [nt]

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : November 10th, 2016-09:17

American/Global Clinton split . . .

 By: Dr No : November 10th, 2016-09:18
. . . was 4/17.

The American vote split . . .

 By: Dr No : November 10th, 2016-09:22
. . . went 5/4 in Trump's favor, while the Global divide was 17/16 in Clinton's. We've just uncovered a key demographic for pollsters - the Purists community!